Phenolphthalein Blood Test Kit
SKU: 1200
The Phenolphthalein Presumptive Blood Test is one of the most commonly used tests in the field and in the forensic laboratory to indicate the presence of blood. Phenolphthalein tests are particularly useful in the field to determine if that reddish-brown stain is blood or not and whether it is evidence that needs to be collected or ignored. Phenolphthalein tests are available in this traditional 3 part kit or as a single use pouch style (SKU#1100). The Phenolphthalein Blood Test Kit is packaged in a plastic box and contains all the premixed chemicals and supplies required to conduct a phenolphthalein blood test. The premixed liquid reagents are in plastic dropper bottles. Replacement refill bottles can be ordered separately. A non-human known blood standard is included to monitor the results.